Governor Nassir breaks silence on abduction and sodomy of Mombasa blogger

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir on Monday said he was “hurt” by accusations linking him and his family to the abduction and sodomy of a blogger based in the coastal city for allegedly criticising the county government.

The 24-year-old was allegedly abducted on September 12 by a group of about 20 county officers from his home in Bamburi.

The group reportedly assaulted and sodomised him before leaving him at a dump site. He says they forced him to apologise for criticising the Mombasa County government.

Addressing a press conference in Mombasa, Nassir distanced himself from the “heinous act”, terming it “shocking” that he and his mother were accused of orchestrating the attack.

“Throughout my life, neither I nor any of my family members have crossed the line of meting out violence on anyone. Even on public platforms, my policy is never to mention anyone by name, or speaking vulgar language,” the governor said.

Nassir spoke moments after the release of his aide and County Executive Committee Member for Lands Mohamed Hussein, who was arrested on Sunday in connection with the blogger’s assault.

“My CEC was arrested and released for no other reason except for the fact that he has been with me through my political journey,” the governor said.

He claimed his mother’s house had been broken into twice since the incident, adding: “As much as I feel sorry for whatever happened to this young man, the spirit of my family will not only forgive and forget but let the almighty.”

“I really hope the police get to the bottom of this… I have passed through worse; abuse, attempts to harm me and my family… I have every intention of clearing our name, of ensuring those behind this malignment will equally be brought to book.”

Governor Nassir claimed the blogger had sent him over 800 text messages, none of which he responded to, and that some doctors reported getting calls threatening them and “coercing them into writing things” when the victim was not in the hospital.

Four people have so far been arraigned over the incident.

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