Impeachment season as senate is set to meet to consider Governor Mutai’s impeachment

Senate is set to convene at 2.30pm Tuesday to consider preliminary matters ahead of the impeachment trial of Kericho Governor Eric Mutai.

Senate Speaker Amason Kingi said Senators will decide whether to hear the impeachment case in plenary or through a committee.

Kingi directed the sitting after receiving a transmittal from the Kericho County Assembly which resolved to impeach the Governor in September. Thirty-one ward representatives backed the impeachment motion.

“Pursuant to Article 181 of the Constitution, section 33 (3) (a) of the County Governments Act (Cap. 265) and standing order 80 (1) (a) of the Senate Standing Orders, I appoint the sitting of the Senate on Tuesday, 8th October, 2024 at 2.30 p.m. as the sitting convened for the purpose of hearing the charges in the matter of the proposed removal from office, by impeachment, of (Dr.) Erick Kipkoech Mutai, the Governor of Kericho County,” Speaker Kingi stated in a Special Gazette Notice.

The first-term Governor’s impeachment followed accusations of sexual misconduct, abuse of power, and legal defiance against.

Sigowet Ward MCA Kiprotich Rogony presented the impeachment motion o September 24, 2024.


Rogony alleged that Mutai operated with impunity ignoring the rule of law, and compromised the integrity of his office.

He cited accussation by a section female employees who singled out the county chief for indecent and abusive behavior, including coercive sexual acts.

Sensing his impending removal, Governor Mutai asked for forgiveness urging ward representative to pardon his “mistakes” in an emotional appeal.

According to the sponsor of the motion, one victim — whose identity is protected —had stepped forward.

Rogony said he will ask the Senate to allow the witness to testify in camera during the hearing to preserve her dignity.

“There are numerous complaints of Governor’s indecent and unnatural sexual behavior by female partners who accuse the Governor of, for instance, forcing them to non-consensual anal sex dangerous and unprotected sex, etc,” read the motion in part.

Mutai is also accussed of leading a mob to a private property.

The Governor reportedly seized the land in question, located within Kericho town and owned by Joseph Kiplangat Kogo, and ordered the demolition of the property’s fence.

Rogony accussed the Governor of “illegally” designating the parcel as a dumpsite operated by the county, without obtaining consent from the rightful owner, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), or following proper legal procedures.

He contended that the Governor defied a court order that disallowed the use of the parcel as a dumpsite.

Further, he accussed Governor Mutai of creating a hostile and toxic work environment for county employees.

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