Embu leaders protest muguka ban in Kilifi claiming sabotage against the industry

A section of leaders from Embu have raised concerns over the muguka ban in Kilifi and Mombasa, alleging trade sabotage.

They say there is no significant difference between muguka and miraa, and want scientific and legal information given to traders. 

Embu Deputy Governor Justus Mugo said they suspect “interested parties” are out to sabotage the business.

The county has vowed to proceed to court on Monday and seek orders barring the suspension by the Kilifi and Mombasa governors. 

Mugo said there is no difference between the two plants and thus neither should face a ban.

He spoke during protests over the muguka ban along the Embu-Meru highway on Saturday. 

The deputy governor lashed out at leaders from Meru for “distancing” themselves. Muguka is mainly produced in Embu, while miraa is widely grown in Meru.

“Meru county leaders should realise that we also have our brothers from Meru who are farming and in muguka business here in Embu, and we should unite for justice for our people,” he said.

The leadership in Meru is planning to raise a petition seeking to have muguka and miraa classified as separate crops, he said. 

Mugo was joined by Embu Woman Rep Njoki Njeru, CEC for Agriculture John Nyaga, and Kagaari South MCA Susan Wairimu.

Njeru urged Meru traders to fight the ban and to avoid any action that would negatively impact the trade of muguka and its products in the two coastal counties.

She said both products are similar and called on the governors to lift the ban, saying muguka is a stimulant and should not be banned. 

”There’s no difference between miraa and muguka products, and thus the two should receive equal treatment. Governors of Mombasa and Kilifi, you should know that muguka and miraa are not classified as drugs and neither deserves a ban,” the Woman rep said.

Muguka is considered advantageous over miraa due to its affordability.

On Thursday, Governor Abdullswamad Nassir banned the sale, supply and consumption of muguka within Mombasa.

Kilifi’s Gideon Mung’aro followed suit on Friday, causing uproar from Embu traders.

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